Bhojpur. The district panchayat Gidha Koilvr block and Kulhria Gidha village 10 village panchayats 8 people 9 people Goat Koilvr city has to grant. The NGO Committee on Rural Development Secretary Pradeep Priyadarshi progression among persons 27 to 27 thousand rupees. The grant is distributed. Mushars Gidha 5, 3 and 2 ravidas Dusad, Kulhria 7 ravidas and 2 Musmat (Ravidas) and Koilvr 4 Mushars and 4 Ravidas caste people benefited.
Meanwhile, mass organizations were strengthened. All were literate. Thumb impression is still 16 women. They are literate in the day and in the evening we go to school, their parents, girls are literate. Here are most of the girls in school. No. Those are also encouraged to go to school. Their wages are kin. If the holding is working. Then it will work. Drunk kin make a hefty chunk of wages. Women on the strength of the Brigade organization and he will be taken away from alcoholic families. The worse the economic situation of the family who were Juj. Now a new day has begun. Ctne cloud of superstition and distrust felt. Then people go and self-help, education, organization of self-help groups, etc. are beginning to pay attention. All awareness is being spread.
Progress Rural Development Committee was given a grant by 27 people. It is evident meaningful results. Having two kids of the goats for a child to donate another member. It has become the first Ptsia goddess. Rita Devi dead goat pregnancies. Then Ptsia goddess of his three children from a baby goat gave Rita Devi. Such progress made by the Rural Development Committee have achieved success in completing law. Goats of 10 women who received the grant in October 2013 gave birth to the child.
Sunaina Gidha goddess of the dead goat. She was pregnant. The goat has two children of Gidha Sumitra Devi. Gidha goat goddess Rita died at the age pregnancies. Ptsia Gidha goddess of the village is lucky. Ptsia Goddess Kumari's daughter Rina Putrratn received after 14 years of giving birth. Amrudi Mushars and the name of his son Vicky Kumar has Ptsia goddess. Just one and a half year old. Meanwhile Ptsia goddess of double happiness. First Putrratn and later gave birth to three children by her goat. He returned the child to the goddess Rita have attained success. Kunwar Devmuga of Gidha goat is procreative. Drbjria goat goddess is procreative. The goat is a child of the goddess Parvati. Two baby goat was the goddess of Gidha Shyampvitr. Both children were eating pig. Goat is still in a state of pregnancy. 2 baby goat gave Prabhavati Devi. Ramjria goddess of the dead goat.
They go on to state that due Koilvr and Kulhria grant of Rs 1000. Were purchased from the goats. Why could not the kid goat. Inside the baby is 6 months pregnant goat. Goat grazing is the mother. The rest of the stuff! Indoors tend to eat.
Alok Kumar
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