Saturday 5 March 2016

Seminar on Emotional Intelligence

Patna. A two days Seminar on Emotional Intelligence was conducted by Dr. (Fr.) P. Antony Raj, SJ, Associate Professor of Psychology at St. Xavier's College of Education, Patna for the Faculty members M.Ed. and B.Ed. trainees. Specially customized package included to increase their EQ competence to become emotionally intelligent teachers in shaping of India.

Fr. Thomas Perumalil S.J. the college Principal introduced the workshop topic and explained the trainees how important it’s to be balanced and deal with emotional intelligence as a teacher dealing with the tender hearts. The resource person Fr. Tony introduced the topic using the example of Railway Minister coding a newspaper article where recently it was found that one passenger had a problem getting drinking water and complained it on his twitter account the next station the water was provided to the passenger by the railway station master.  This shows how fast action was taken and it was due to emotional intelligence as we understand and know the problem but many times we fail to act upon it. The workshop also explained why it’s important for a teacher to understand emotional intelligence. How to deal with emotions and the way we can understand the situations and problem we face due to not being able to control our emotions.

The programme typically includes the miracle of human being, the crown and glory of brain, study of limbic system, the emotional center and finally into the world of emotional intelligence.  The content-rich materials were presented in multi-media presentation to understand the concept and implication. 

Amidst wide range of skills, Emotional Intelligence Skills (EIS) is an apt and appropriate tool for facing these challenges. That's why EQ development programme is so essential, especially in turbulent times like ours where children look for emotional literacy, emotional skills and emotional intelligence to handle their own emotion and that of others.

College faculty members Dr. Madhu Singh, Fr. Anthony Raj, Deep Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Dr. Vikramjit Singh, Dr. Nimisha Srivastava, Sapna Suman and Vijayshree were present for the programme.

 Deep Kumar, 
Press In-charge 

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