Monday, 19 August 2013

महिलाओं को आरक्षण देने का मामला


आजादी के 66 साल के बाद भी आधी आबादी के साथ छल

पटना। कई राज्य सरकारों ने अपने प्रदेश में महिलाओं को त्रिस्तरीय ग्राम पंचायत में आरक्षण दे रखा है। वहीं संसद और विधान सभा में आते-आते नेताओं के हाथ-पांव थम सा जाता है। आखिर महिलाओं को आरक्षण देने में विलम्ब क्यों हो रहा है। यह सवाल हरेक महिलाओं को आने वाले आम चुनाव के समय भावी उम्मीदवारों से पूछना चाहिए कि बोल संसद में पहुंचने के बाद महिलाओं को संसद में धूल फांकने वाले विधेयक को कानून बनवाने में सहयोग करोंगे।

 इन सामाजिक कार्यनेत्री रंजना कुमारी ने प्रधानमंत्री डा. मनमोहन सिंह के पास हस्ताक्षर अभियान चलाकर मांग कर रही हैं कि संसद में महिलाओं को आरक्षण देने वाले विधेयक को पासकर कानून बना डालें।

Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India 
Dear Sir, 

After 67 years of freedom and democracy Indian women still fail to enjoy full and equal citizenship.

Gender equality was promoted by Mahatma Gandhi and women were active participants in our independence struggle. The spirit of this freedom movement is reflected in our Constitution, which guarantees equality regardless of caste, class, or gender. Yet, this equality has not been realised and women continue to face discrimination and disadvantage in their public and private lives.

Women’s marginalisation from politics is one example of this disadvantage. Today a mere 10.9% of elected representatives in the Indian Parliament are women.

Women’s political participation is a human right and political equality for all women and men is guaranteed under Articles 325 and 326 of our Constitution. Enhancing women’s political leadership is also essential to building a strong democracy and global presence for India in the 21st century.

The passage of the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution in 1993 went some way to addressing women’s exclusion from politics. The implementation of the reservation system has meant that over 1.5 million women now hold positions in Panchayati Raj institutions, 36.8% of all those elected. The emergence of effective women leaders has led many states to voluntarily increase the reservation of seats for women to 50%.

Unfortunately, women’s voice is still excluded from higher levels of Indian politics. The Women’s Reservation Bill aims to address this issue by expanding the reservation system to include state and national legislatures. This Bill has the ability to significantly alter India’s political landscape by ensuring women’s active participation in all level of governance.
We are calling for the passage of this Bill by the Lok Sabha in the Winter Session of Parliament.

Please show your support for women’s empowerment and equality by signing our petition to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Only through collective action will we achieve real change for women. 
[Your name]