Monday 21 July 2014

जल्द से जल्द गिरफ्तार कर सजा देने की मांग

In service,
Mr. Thanadhyksh Sir,
Bihta (Patna).
      I have a humble request Subodh Kumar, father-Chandradev Das, Neuri Village, Po. Neuri, Thana-bihta, am from Patna district. Date 20-07-2014 Time 4: The 30 pm Mandvi my mother goddess, Integrated Child Development Center (Neuri) that had been sitting near the hut hut village on the east-south corner Mr. rajdev Roy, father-self. Rampyare opinion, Surendra Rai, father Rajendra Rai, Umesh Rai, father rajdev Rai, Sunil Rai, father rajdev opinion all the four persons came and began to plant my land rosewood. So my mother forbade him from planting saplings. Skinner then all these people using foul language, Dom began to rebuke him. They said that the people here will not even let you Skinner. After three and a fourth man by man caught by Sunil Rai hoe head hitting Chur continuously poured on the head. Due to which he died on the same. Munni Devi Bglgir be off to my next husband-Jitu Shoemaker, Beat goddess, husband-Alan Shoemaker and Subodh Kumar, father Chandradev Das, Sunil Rai saw spade in hand while on the run. Running time was saying that people will not keep you Skinner and ran from there.
     So Mr. harshest request that legal action be taken against all the above. The earliest invited arrested and convicted.

Your faithful
Subodh Kumar

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