Saturday, 5 April 2014

जनतंत्र का माखौल उड़ाने वाले सक्रिय

It. The first phase is April 10. Additional Chief Electoral Officer of Bihar Shri. Lakshmanan all voters 'right to vote' is called upon to use. Suggested that the general electorate to vote without pressure and temptation. Basic minimum requirements for facility access to EC booths from anxiety as possible to let Mr. Lakshmanan said water, toilets, shade and seating arrangement for instructions.

At the time of the last election that Skriyः of democracy ridicule ridicule of democracy have become active in the 16th general election. Made of synthetic chemicals Dndhabajon after spending several rounds of tests on the chemicals market is unloaded. Charlatans say clearly the ruling Congress and the BJP has the distinct advantage of buying chemicals. Others are on the line.

After the artificial use of natural resources shall be kept in pocket money if you do not buy chemicals, so there is nothing to Frick. In addition to synthetic natural God as a means to provide Makul put democracy. She is a papaya milk and lemon juice. If you want to use this time can vote.

Rub Rub ointments and plasters Cloः at work and work-style papaya milk's Place and vote on it. At the request of anonymity said a young man with him were a dozen young. Once the vote has been put ink on the nail. Anon papaya milk was put on nails. The entire ink disappears. Towards the votes are cast in the line. RJD workers who had not arranged as often Dalonge vote. Rs one hundred times as much. Kronge received. Boggs would not mind the opportunity to vote.

Clte: boss boss's instructions directed at saving the democracy-saving move to democracy. Time that people who are involved in the election. Those people have to remain impartial. That is the duty to act on behalf of the ruling party begin. According to gesture if the vote is not falling. Do the campaign is so slow. Due to the very low turnout. If you want everything to run properly when the boss is provided Mic vote.

The elderly and the illiterate vote DEFY relative shortage of challengers is voting time. It takes everyone working together to make bogus voting. You also casts a policy of Divide and we also walk the walk. Cell should not deploy in a secret ballot so people could vote fearless. But a person is standing near the EVM so that the elderly and the illiterate, the EVM can assist you in getting the vote. On the people who came with his own relatives. Their collaboration to vote. If it is helpful to someone else, that person seems to have voted in favor of any particular party. You will be asked to insert it into infelicity infelicity two EVM will switch on. Needs to improve in order to be pious vote.
Alok Kumar

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