Rs for delivery. 0.4500 for delivery by paying Rs 2500 and Operation
It. The district Swami, Baractty, Bodhgaya etc. NGOs working in the health sector in blocks by ordinary people wi Ar.aslbil. 're Making the medical facility. Y Ar.aslbil now. Friend of cooperation. Together you will plan a success.
Hospitalization was questioned under the Ar.aslbil Wi-related information. Under the hospitalization mean? Being hospitalized in the hospital to be admitted for 24 hours or longer. Y Ar.aslbil diseases already present. The covers are in? There may be some time before any disease, including diseases for which information was not. He is already considered Vigman disease. Y Ar.aslbil existing disease.'s Covered in. While in the hospital - What is a facility? While in hospital, health screening, treatment, essential medicines, essential test, get free food and more. Check if the hospital wrote out his money, then who will? To provide all necessary investigations and drug treatment is the responsibility of the hospital. Drug or check out offers from the hospital, the hospital will bear the related costs.
The Who - Who are covered by the type of delivery? By normal delivery and operation of both Y Ar.aslbil delivery. Are covered. Rs hospital for normal delivery. 2500 and operations are paid for delivery by Rs .4500. If the smart card delivery should be the mother of a child protection plan benefits? Yes, the mother of a child protection plan benefits. What could be the beneficiary for treatment in hospitals? Time of issuance of cards to the beneficiaries will be provided a list of hospitals. If you needed to go to hospital, the beneficiary or after one of these will go to one of the hospitals listed. Y Ar.aslbil. After arriving at the hospital where the beneficiary will be listed? Hospitals National Health Insurance Scheme is a counter where the beneficiary guide will meet the concerned person.
In addition to the smart card to the beneficiary is no document to a hospital? Only the smart card to the beneficiary has to take to hospital. The beneficiary would have to spend on drugs? If the beneficiary does not have to be hospitalized no expense. How to check the balance in the smart card is? The hospital operator smart card can tell by verifying the balance. Be smart card machine is not running in the hospital, what will happen? If the smart card machine is not working then make alternative arrangements shall be the responsibility of the hospital and the insurance company. To be admitted to the hospital, asked the hospital to pay the beneficiary if the beneficiary should do? Patient information booklet at the time of enrollment in the smart card is printed it toll - free number 18003456108 immediately by calling the insurance company must provide this information. If the possibility of manipulation by the hospital complaining how it will be? This type of dispute would lodge a complaint at the district level grievance committee. The committee members are representatives of the insurance company representatives and NGOs, the district officer and president. If you are not satisfied with the decision of the State Level Committee may have. Anganwadi worker at the village level, district level Dilke.aml, District Magistrate / Chief Medical Officer, National Health Insurance Scheme at the state level Cell (Labour Resource Department, Government of Bihar) and at the national level, the central government (Ministry of Labour and Rojagar ) is. Similarly, any type of smart card related information and help change the Prkhan Dmen Labour Officer, District Dilke.aml / District Magistrate and the National Health Insurance Scheme in the State Cell (Labour Resource Department, Government of Bihar) Contact can be used.
Alok Kumar
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