Saturday 29 April 2017

17th Fr. Pedro Arrupe Memorial Inter-School Cricket Tournament

On 28th of April, 2017, the Closing Ceremony of 17th Fr. Pedro Arrupe Memorial Inter-School Cricket 

Tournament was organized in the St. Michael’s High School, Campus. 

Br. Satheesh, Principal, Loyola High School, Patna graced the occasion as the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Mr. Eric Rosario, Vice-Principal, Don Bosco Academy, Patna accepted his consent as Guest of Honour. The programme began in the presence of Fr. Joe Maripuram, S.J., Rector, Fr. Armstrong Edison, S.J., Principal, Mrs. Vishakha Sinha ,Head Mistress,  Fr. Christu Savarirajan, S.J. Vice Principal, Brothers, teachers, students of St. Michael’s High School and teams of 7 reputed schools of Patna. 

The programme was started with guard of honour followed by school Anthem.  Floral tribute to Father Arrupe,S.J. was given on this auspicious occasion. Father Principal welcomed the Chief Guest, all the participating teams, umpires, guest teachers and students. Welcome Song was sung by the choir group of the school. Teams were introduced and encouraged for the fair play. 

Today, the semi final match was played between DAV, BSEB & Don Bosco Academy.  Don Bosco won the match and entered into finals.

The final match of the tournament was played between Don Bosco  Academy and St. Michael’s High School Team “A”.  Don Bosco won the toss and batted first. Don Bosco scored  60  runs in 12 overs and gave a target of 61 runs to St. Michael’s High School.   St. Michael’s hit the target in just 7 overs and became the winner of the tournament. Malay Raj of St. Michael’s High School was declared as the Man of the Match.

The Chief Guest, Br. Satheesh, addressed the spectators and different teams of the tournament.  He congratulated all the teams for exhibiting their sportsmanship, performances and team spirit. He appreciated the school for the fair play and the opportunities provided by the school  to the young budding cricket stars.  Fr. Rector gave memento to the Chief Guest  as a token of gratitude. Special prizes were distributed on the occasion by the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and the Principal, Vice Principal & Headmistress.

Vote of thanks was given by Fr. Christu Savirajan  S.J., Vice Principal of St. Michael’s High School.  He thanked the Principal’s of the participating teams, the Chief Guest, the special guest, the organizing team, the volunteers and enthusiastic audience to make this event a grand success.  He gave a special thanks to sports teachers and Br. Rajesh for doing tireless efforts for the tournament.  The programme came to an end by paying homage to the Nation by singing National Anthem.

The details of the awards of the tournament are as follows :

                                    SEQUENCE OF PRIZES  2017 – 18

1)                    Mementoes to officials :           

(1)    Mr.  Wasim Ahmad
(2)    Mr. Ashutosh Kumar
(3)    Mr. Babloo
(4)    Mr. Jasim Ahmad

2)         Mementoes to the conveners of the tournament  :       

           1) Mr. Amrish Kr. Jha
2)    Mr. Saurav Deep
3)    Ms. Prateeksha Dwivedi

3)         Best Volunteers:

1)     Ayush Kanish               8 B
2)     Nikhil Anand                 8 B
3)     Rahul                           8 B     
4)    Ashish Ranjan              9 B

4)         Supporting Staff :                Mr. Anand Natal

5)         Man of the Matches:   Match 1 to match 7

1)          Nischay Raj  - St. Michael’s High School  Team A
2)          Mohit – DAV, BSEB
3)          Belal Wasim – St. Michael’s High School Team “B”
4)          Ankit Raj – Don Bosco Academy
5)          Martin Christopher – St. Michael’s High School Team A
6)          Suraj Kumar – Don Bosco Academy
7)          Malay Raj – St. Michael’s High School  Team “A”

6)         Best Bowler of the Tournament :    Vaibhav Vishal – St. Michael’s H School

7)         Best Wicket Keeper of the Tournament:  Shivam Raj – St. Michael’s H School

8)         Best Batsman of the Tournament :  Mohit – DAV, BSEB Colony

9)         Best  Fielder of the Tournament:  Utkarsh Anand – St. Michael’s H School

10)      Man of the Series :  Martin Chrostopher – St. Michael’s H School

11)      Runners’  Mementoes  - Don Bosco Academy

1)          Raza  Shahd                                      9)         Fahad Makhudoomi
2)          Ritik Rajesh                                       10)      Satyajeet Sen Kiran
3)          Ankit  Raj                                           11)      Vikas Kumar
4)          Suyash Sinha                                     12)      Farhan
5)          Harsh Kumar                                      13)      Utpal Raj
6)          Subham Sunil                                     14)      Slok Kumar
7)          Suraj Kumar                                      15)      Ayush Kumar
8)          Saket Shanker

12)      Runner’s Trophy – Don Bosco Academy

13)      Memento to the coach of the Runner Team :     Mr. N P Gupta

14)      Winners’ Mementoes:  St. Michael’s High School

1)         Martin Christopher                                      9)   Mustafa Zayn Nabil
2)         Utkarsh Anand                                           10)   Nischay Raj
3)         Sankalp Raj                                                11)   Shishir Ranjan
4)         Rahul Raj                                                    12)   Shivam Raj
5)         Amit Kumar                                                 13)   Suyash Kumar
6)         Aniket Kumar                                              14)    Vaibhav Vishal
7)         Himanshu Raj                                              15)   Shaurya Shubham
8)         Malay Raj

15)      Winners’ Trophy:   St. Michael’s High School

16)      Memento to the coach of the Winner Team :      Mr. Amrish Kumar Jha

Principal                                                                                Co-ordinators
                                                                                    Mr. Amrish Kr. Jha  - 9507713728
Mr. Saurav Deep - 9386096930
                                                                                    Ms. Prateeksha Dwivedi

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